Training had never been so much fun for me. Thanks to Satyam SLC for conducting the French language course. It is said that
French decended from Latin, but for us it resembled English. Although spellings and meaning of many words remain same in French, prononciation was different, so it was little bit of un-learning english.
étudiants de française

From Left to Right : Me,Dinesh Thyagaraju, Sreeranjini, Amitha, Kruthika, Soumya, Sandhya(Our Teacher),Sarath, Aman, Rohit, Shridhar, Shambhu, Kripal, Srinivas, Divya prasan,Bindu , Shilpa, Venugopal, Jyothi, Shweta.
Facts related to FrenchFrench is one the second most influential language next to English.
Spoken as a native language in 5 continents.
Official language of about 60% of African countries.
More than 40 countries use French either as first language or second language.
Most people in Canada and Europe speak French.
More than 250 million people speak French as their first language.

Some resources
Why should we learn French An excellent resource for every beginner or traveller planning to visit any French spoken country. This website has audio clips in a very easy to use interface with categories like greetings, numbers, asking for help, finding your way etc. Very good fast track tutorial by BBC. Checkout other detailed topics too. Detailed tutorial at Another good tutorial with audio clips and lot of stuff on grammer.
A Song.
Alouette is a very interesting nursery song of french language. A link to Alouette song
And finally Translators are invaluable resources to Translate your words/sentenses from/to any of the popular languages. You can even translate a website.
If you have gone through enough resources and prepared for a test, lets you apply your learnings and chat with people in french. Most of these people are also fluent in english.
I have tried all above resources and I am sure they will be useful for you too. Suggestions?.. Any useful resources that can be added here..? shoot me a mail.